


2025年03月07日 周五


9:30 ~ 21:00


首页 - 游客服务 - 游园须知


Dear visitors, welcome to Happy Valley Shanghai! To provide you with a safe, comfortable and enjoyable park environment, please read the following contents carefully:

门票使用Ticket usage

  • 01
    请在官方正规渠道购买门票及年卡(以下“门票”包含各类门票及年卡等入园凭证),并限本人于有效期内使用。入园时,需提供政府颁发的有效身份证件原件用于年龄及身份验证,包括:居民身份证、港澳居民来往内地通行证或港澳居民居住证、台湾居民来往大陆通行证或台湾居民居住证、护照或外国人永久居留身份证。Please purchase tickets and annual passes (hereinafter referred to as "tickets", including various entry vouchers such as tickets and annual passes) through official channels, and use them with valid personal certificate within the valid period. To enter the park, please show the original valid identification documents issued by the government for age and identification verification, including: resident identification card, travel pass for Hong Kong and Macao residents to enter or leave Chinese mainland or residence permit of Hong Kong and Macao residents, travel pass for Taiwan residents to enter or leave Chinese mainland or residence permit of Taiwan residents, passport or permanent residence identification card for foreigners.
  • 02
    纸质门票不记名、不挂失,网络平台购票的游客需登记有效身份证件及手机号购票(同一手机号限购5张,同一身份证号码限购1张)。门票仅供一次性使用,出园后再次入园须重新购票。Paper tickets are not named and cannot be reissued. Visitors who purchase tickets through online platforms need to register with valid identification documents and mobile phone numbers (up to 5 tickets can be purchased for one mobile phone number and 1 ticket for one identification card). Tickets are for one-time use only. If you leave the park and re-enter, you need to purchase the ticket again.
  • 03
    乐园在检票通道的闸机上使用了人脸识别技术,用于已开启人脸识别入园功能的游客入园时的身份识别。没有开启人脸识别入园功能的游客请使用其他通道入园。The park adopts facial recognition technology on the turnstiles at the ticket check passage for identification recognition of visitors with whom such technology applies. Visitors with whom such technology does not apply can enter the part via other passage.
  • 04
    按照国际及国内大型主题乐园的通用做法,乐园实行一票制,入园后可自行选择体验游乐设施、观看演出或参与主题活动(特殊时段举办的特别场次或演出除外)。但以下项目为有偿服务:观光代步工具类(游览观光车、环园小火车、游览体验船等)、有偿游戏体验类(卡丁车、蹦极、滑索、冰雪世界、迷宫及密室逃脱、有奖射击类游戏、VR互动体验类等)、快速通道类(各类项目、演出等VIP通道等增值服务)等。 Following the common practice of international and domestic large-scale theme parks, the park adopts a one-ticket system, allowing visitors to experience amusement facilities, watch performances, or participate in themed activities after entering the park (except for special sessions or performances held during specific time). However, the following are paid facilities: sightseeing transportation (tourist buses, small train around the park, sightseeing boats, etc.), paid game experiences (go-karts, bungee jumping, zip lines, ice and snow world, mazes and escape rooms, prize shooting games, interactive VR experiences, etc.), fast tracks (value-added services, including VIP channels for various facilities, performances, etc.), and so on.
  • 05
    如遇节假日高峰期及重大活动,乐园为保证安全将依据客流实际情况进行调控,包括但不限于临时限售或停止售票,以限制或谢绝游客入园。During peak periods on holidays and major events, the number of visitors may be controlled in the park based on actual visitor flow to ensure safety, including but not limited to temporary limitation or stop of ticketing, so as to restrict or deny visitors' access to the park.
  • 06
    请参考游乐设备等候时间及开放时间,合理安排您的行程。在乐园一天的运营时间内,游客可能无法体验所有游乐设备或演出。游客是否可以体验各个游乐设备,视具体安全规则(如身高限制、身体健康状况限制等)而定。Please refer to the waiting time and opening time of amusement facility and plan your itinerary accordingly. Within the operating hours of the park for one day, visitors may not experience all amusement facilities or performances. Visitors' experience on various amusement facilities depends on specific safety rules (such as height restrictions, physical health restrictions, etc.).
  • 07
    身高在1.5米以下儿童、65周岁以上长者等须由具有安全监护能力的成人陪同入园。Children under 1.5 meters in height and seniors over 65 years old must be accompanied by adults with guardianship capacity when entering the park.
  • 08
    乐园开放时间,根据当日天气状况以景区现场公告为准。The park opening time subject to on-site notice based on the weather conditions of the day.
  • 09
    请您在购票入园前仔细阅读本《入园须知》的相关内容,入园后视为已认可本乐园相关规定。Please carefully read the relevant content of the Notice to Visitors before purchasing tickets and entering the park. Entering the park is deemed as acceptance of relevant rules of the park.

安全检查Security check

  • 01
    根据相关法律法规和政府部门的指导意见,所有游客及其所携带的包、袋、物品等须在入园时、园内或者乐园认为的适当地点进行安全检查。基于安全考虑,乐园可能会拒绝游客将个别包袋或其他物品带入园区或相关场所,并以适当方式处理无人看管的物品。According to relevant laws, regulations, and guidance from government sectors, all visitors and their belongings, bags, and items must be subjected to security check upon entry, in the park, or at locations deemed appropriate by the park. For security reasons, visitors may be prevented from bringing certain bags or items to the park or related areas, and unattended items may be treated in an appropriate manner in the park.
  • 02
    以下物品不得进入乐园:The following items cannot be brought to the park:①法律规定的危险物品(包括但不限于任何种类的火器、弹药或攻击性武器及其他易燃、易爆、有毒、有害物品等);① Dangerous items specified by laws (including but not limited to any type of firearms, ammunition, or offensive weapons, as well as flammable, explosive, toxic, or hazardous materials, etc.);②玻璃制品(如水杯、饭盒等),因医疗、婴幼儿或特殊饮食需求除外;② Glass products (such as water cups, lunch boxes, etc.), except those for medical treatment, infant, or special dietary needs;③易腐烂变质、需再行加工、保温或低温存储、带有刺激性气味的食品及酒精饮料等。③ Perishable food, food requiring reprocessing, insulation or low-temperature storage, or food and alcoholic beverages with stimulating odors.④装有轮子的运送工具及代步工具,包括但不限于带有滑轮的玩乐装备、滑板、滑行车/脚踏车、旱冰鞋、代步工具、手推车、电动行李箱等(无论由电动运输载具或人力等方式进行推行、拖拽或牵引);注:残疾人电动辅助行动设备在园内时速应不超过10千米/小时。④ Wheeled transportation devices and tools for riding instead of walk, including but not limited to recreation facilities, skateboards, scooters/bicycles, roller skates, tools for riding instead of walk, strollers, electric suitcases, etc. (regardless of being propelled, dragged, or pulled by electric vehicles or manually); Note: The speed of electric mobility aids for the disabled should not exceed 10 kilometers per hour in the park.⑤各类宠物(符合规定的导盲犬除外);⑤ All types of pets (except for guide dogs that meet the requirements).⑥各类共享轮椅、婴儿车、雨伞等设施;⑥ Facilities such as various shared wheelchairs, strollers, umbrellas, etc.⑦风筝、竹蜻蜓、无人机、氢气球等飞行设施及物品;⑦ Flying facilities and items such as kites, bamboo dragonflies, drones, hydrogen balloons, etc.⑧未经提前报备的彩旗、锣鼓、烟花/爆竹、高音喇叭、遥控玩具、横幅等;⑧ Colored flags, gongs and drums, fireworks/firecrackers, loudspeakers, remote control toys, banners, etc. that have not been reported in advance⑨未经提前报备的大量物品或其他可进行售卖的商品(如雨衣、冷饮等);注:大量,指的是超过个人使用数量。⑨ A large number of items or other sellable goods (such as raincoats, cold drinks, etc.) that have not been reported in advance; Note: A large number refers to the quantity exceeding that of personal use.⑩未经提前报备的,可能妨碍乐园及任何配套设施运营的摄影器材、摄像器材、落地式三脚架、稳定支架和相关工具;⑩ Photographic equipment, video equipment, floor-type tripods, stabilizing stands, and related tools that may hinder the operation of the park and any supporting facilities.⑪其他可能造成伤害或者混乱的物品。⑪ Other items that may cause injury or chaos.
  • 03
    为维护乐园现场及周边区域的空中安全,根据《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》、《民用无人驾驶航空器系统空中交通管理办法》等相关法律法规规定,乐园上方空域将进行全时段禁飞管制。To maintain the air safety of the park and its surrounding areas, the airspace above the park will be under all-time flight restriction according to the relevant laws and regulations such as the Law of the People's Republic of China on Penalties for Administration of Public Security and the Air Traffic Control Measures for Civil Unmanned Aircraft Systems.注:禁飞无人机类型包括无人机、“低慢小”航空器(包括轻型和超轻型飞机、轻型直升机、滑翔机、三角翼、动力三角翼、滑翔伞、动力伞、热气球、飞艇、无人机、航空模型,航天模型)等。Note: Prohibited drones include drones and aircraft featuring Low altitude, low speed and small flying target (including light and ultralight aircraft, light helicopters, gliders, hang gliders, powered hang gliders, paragliders, powered paragliders, hot air balloons, airships, drones, aviation models, and aerospace models).
  • 04
    安检时,乐园将会使用安检门、X光机和手持金属探测仪等。 Security gates, X-ray machines, and handheld metal detectors are adopted for security check in the park.

食品餐饮政策Food and beverage policy

  • 01
    上海欢乐谷的餐厅和零售店将为游客提供种类丰富、新鲜美味的各种美食。与此同时,我们理解并尊重游客可能会有携带仅供个人食用的食品和饮料入园的需求。为了保障所有游客拥有安全、愉悦的游乐体验,请您知悉以下食品和饮料出于安全考虑及可能对他人体验造成影响,请勿携带进入园区(因医疗、婴幼儿或特殊饮食需求除外):The restaurants and retail stores in Happy Valley Shanghai provide visitors with a variety of delicious and fresh food. However, we know and understand that visitors may need to bring their own food and drinks to the park for personal consumption. To ensure that all visitors have a safe and enjoyable amusement experience, please note that the following food and drinks cannot be brought to the park (except for those for medical treatment, infant or special dietary needs):
  • 02
    超出个人食用的食品和饮料; Food and drinks with quantity exceeding that for personal consumption;
  • 03
    含有酒精的饮料(如:啤酒、烈酒等); Alcoholic beverages (such as beer, spirits, etc.);
  • 04
    需要加热、再加热、加工、冷藏或保温的食品(如:需以加热水、微波加热或自热等方式加工的方便面、冷食、速食火锅等); Food that needs to be heated, reheated, processed, refrigerated or kept warm (such as instant noodles, cold food, instant hot pot, etc. that need to be processed via hot water, microwave heating or self-heating, etc.);
  • 05
    带有刺激性气味的食品及饮料(如:榴莲等); Food and drinks with strong odors (such as durian, etc.);请勿触碰或食用园区内植物,以免引起过敏或食物中毒等事故发生。 Do not touch or eat plants in the park to avoid such accidents as allergies or food poisoning.

设备体验Facility experience

  • 01
    根据《中华人民共和国旅游法》和《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》的有关规定,乐园将定期对游乐设备进行检修维护,期间可能造成游乐设备运行时间延迟或暂停开放,详情请您留意园区公告或游乐设备处相应提示。 According to the relevant provisions of the Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China and the Special Equipment Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the amusement park will regularly inspect and maintain the amusement facilities are subjected to regular inspection and maintenance, during which the amusement facilities may be delayed for operation or temporarily suspended. Please pay attention to the notice of the park or the corresponding reminder in the area of the amusement facilities for details.
  • 02
    游乐设备运行中出现任何异常或故障,必须停机检测维修,在此期间请您遵循园区现场工作人员安排,选择搭乘其他游乐设备。 If there is any abnormality or malfunction during the operation of the amusement facility, it must be stopped for inspection and maintenance. During this period, please follow the arrangements of the on-site staff and choose to ride other amusement facility.
  • 03
    根据安全和技术监督部门的规定,如遇恶劣天气及其他自然灾害等不可抗力情况,园内游乐设备未能达到安全运行标准将关闭或部分关闭;剧场和室外氛围演艺表演未达到演出标准将取消或部分取消。 According to the regulations of the safety and technical supervision sectors, the amusement facilities in the park that fail to meet the safety operating standards will be closed or partially closed in case of force majeure such as severe weather and other natural disasters. Indoor and outdoor performances that do not meet the performance standards will be canceled or partially canceled.
  • 04
    孕妇、心脏病、高血压、精神病患者及酒后、高龄及身体状况不佳等游客限乘园内一切游乐设备。体验园区的游乐设备前,请认真阅读每个设备的游客须知,并衡量自身及同行人员的年龄、身高、心智、体能和体重等各方面是否适合搭乘。因违反游客须知导致的不良后果,乐园将不承担任何责任。 Pregnant women, heart disease patients, hypertensive patients, mentally ill patients, as well as visitors who have consumed alcohol, are elderly, or have poor physical condition, are prohibited from riding any amusement facilities in the park. Before experiencing the amusement facilities in the park, please carefully read the notice to visitors for each facility, and consider whether you and your companions are suitable for riding based on age, height, mental and physical condition, and weight, etc. The park will not be responsible for any adverse consequences resulting from the violation of the notice to visitors.
  • 05
    为保证开心、安全的游玩体验,未成年儿童在体验游乐设备时,请家长(监护人)负起看护责任,不要离场,勿让未成年人儿童离开您的监护范围。 To ensure a happy and safe amusement experience, parents (guardians) are responsible for supervising their underage children, cannot leave the area and keep the underage children under supervision when they are using amusement facilities.
  • 06
    如游客在体验游乐设备的过程中遇到设备故障等临时突发情况,请不要惊慌,请根据工作人员的指导有序离开。 In case of temporary emergencies such as equipment malfunctions while experiencing amusement facilities, visitors shall keep calm and leave in an orderly manner according to the guidance of the staff.
  • 07
    乐园内所有游乐项目均需排队入场,游客较多时,会出现排队时间较长的情况,请游客予以理解,并听从工作人员的引导自觉排队。排队等候时,请尊重其他游客,所有同行人员须一同排队,请勿超前或插队。 All amusement facilities in the park require queuing for entry. When there are many visitors, the waiting time can be long. Please understand it and follow the guidance of the staff to queue voluntarily. When waiting in line, please respect other visitors. All accompanying members must queue together and cannot go directly to the front nor cut in line.
  • 08
    游乐设备停止运行及乐园闭园时间将至时,依据现场情况,有可能提前终止项目排队等候或入场,请合理安排游玩时间,敬请谅解。 When the amusement facility stops running or the park is about to close, the waiting or entry for certain facilities may be terminated in advance depending on the on-site situation. Please arrange the tour time reasonably, and thanks for your understanding.
  • 09
    园内部分项目设有游乐设备快速通道,可极大减少高峰时段排队时间提升游玩体验,如游客有相应需求可单独付费现场购买快速通道票。 Some amusement facilities in the park are provided with fast-track passages, which can greatly shorten the waiting time during peak hours and improve the amusement experience. Visitors can purchase fast-track tickets on-site at an additional cost as required.
  • 10
    游客体验游客设备时,必须听从工作人员的指导,按照设备要求的乘坐体验并接受保险装置检查,违反要求的将被拒绝乘坐。 When experiencing amusement facility, visitors must follow the guidance of the staff, ride and experience according to the facility requirements, accept the inspection of safety devices. Otherwise, they will be denied.
  • 11
    园区部分项目(如激流勇进、峡谷漂流、航海战舰等水上游乐项目)体验时需使用雨衣。为保障游客安全,禁止游客携带劣质雨衣乘坐。 Some facilities in the park (such as white-water rafting, canyon drifting, naval battles, etc.) require the use of raincoats during the experience. To ensure the safety of visitors, it is prohibited to use inferior raincoats for riding.
  • 12
    园区部分项目设置有“有偿拍照”或“有偿视频拍摄”服务,请您提前知悉。 Some facilities in the park offer "paid photography" or "paid video shooting" services. Please be aware of this in advance.
  • 13
    请妥善保管自身携带的财物。游乐设备设置的储物柜只提供临时物品存放,请将现金、手机等贵重物品另行寄存或交由亲友保管。设备体验结束后,请确认好自己的物品后再离场。 Please take good care of your personal belongings. The lockers provided by the amusement facility are only for temporary storage of items. Please store cash, mobile phones, and other valuables separately or entrust them to friends and family members for safekeeping. After the amusement experience, please check your belongings before leaving.

演出观看Watching the performance

  • 01
    为增强游客游园体验,乐园会根据节庆活动安排引进由第三方开展的演出表演内容,可能须另行购票,请关注相关公示内容。 To enhance the visitor's amusement experience in the park, performance from third parties will be introduced to the park according to the arrangements of festive activities, which requires additional tickets. Please pay attention to the relevant notices.
  • 02
    根据政府相关部门要求,园区临时性演唱会、明星见面会、电音节等演出,会涉及线上预约环节,具体预约方式及渠道请留意相关活动内容。 According to the requirements of government sectors, temporary concerts, celebrity meet-and-greets, electronic music festivals, and other performances in the park may involve online reservation. Please pay attention to relevant activity content for specific reservation methods and channels.
  • 03
    演出场所等人员密集区域,为保障您与其他游客的安全,请勿使用自拍杆。 In areas with dense crowds such as performance venues, please do not use selfie sticks to ensure your safety and the safety of other visitors.
  • 04
    请尊重演职人员,使用文明用语,不做任何危险、违法、破坏性或攻击性的行为。请勿冒充或者扮演任何上海欢乐谷角色,对其他游客或乐园造成影响。 Please respect the performers and be polite. Do not engage in any dangerous, illegal, destructive, or aggressive behavior. Do not impersonate or play any characters related to Happy Valley Shanghai that may affect other visitors or the park.
  • 05
    受天气等因素,园区演出内容可能临时调整上演地点或时间,具体调整以当日现场公告为准。 Due to weather and other factors, the performance in the park may be temporarily adjusted in terms of venue or time. Please refer to the on-site notices on the day for details.
  • 06
    园区部分演出表演存在喷水、爆炸等影视特效,请结合自身情况并根据现场告知及指引,合理选择观看位置。 Some performances in the park involve special effects such as water spraying and explosions. Please select a proper viewing position based on your own situation, on-site instructions and guidance.
  • 07
    请勿随意触摸及投喂园区内的动物。 Please do not touch or feed the animals in the park at will.

游客行为Visitor behavior

  • 01
    未经乐园书面允许出售、出租、交换、散发及展示商品或服务,包括但不限于任何形式的导览服务、摄影服务、园区提供的产品及服务或任何其他种类的物品。Selling, renting, exchanging, distributing, or displaying goods or services without written permission from the park, including but not limited to any form of guided tour services, photography services, products and services or any other types of items provided by the park.
  • 02
    分发或展示未经乐园书面允许的任何形式的印刷品、宣传品(如名片、宣传商品或服务的宣传单等)、录制品、旗帜、横幅或标语牌。 Distributing or displaying any form of printed materials, promotional materials (such as business cards, promotional flyers for goods or services), recordings, flags, banners, or signs without written permission from the park.
  • 03
    进行未经乐园书面允许的集会、主题活动、演出、演讲或行为艺术。 Organizing gatherings, themed activities, performances, speeches, or performing arts without written permission from the park.
  • 04
    衣着不适宜或着装暴露,穿戴不当、不雅,衣着印有侮辱性语言、邪教类标识或穿着宗教冒犯性的服装,或其他影响游客体验的着装。 Wearing inappropriate or revealing clothing, improper or indecent attire, clothing with insulting language, cult symbols, or religiously offensive clothing, or any other attire that may affect the visitor experience.
  • 05
    拍照、录像、录音或直播,用于私人和非商业用途的除外。 Taking photos, videotaping, recording, or live streaming, except for those for personal and non-commercial use.
  • 06
    在指定吸烟区以外的区域吸烟或使用电子烟。 Smoking or using electronic cigarettes outside of designated smoking areas.
  • 07
    随地乱扔垃圾或其他个人物品,未将其投入垃圾桶。 Littering or discarding personal belongings without putting them in the trash cans.
  • 08
    任何违法、危险、扰乱秩序、造成混乱、具有破坏性的行为或对其他游客和团队成员具有攻击性的行为或可能危及他人的行为。此类行为包括: Engaging in any illegal, dangerous, disruptive, chaotic, destructive behavior, or behavior that is aggressive towards other visitors and team members or may endanger others. These behaviors include:①打架或威胁他人① Fighting or threatening others.②排队时与他人发生冲撞、推搡② Colliding or pushing others while queuing.③使用侮辱性语言、污秽言语或不雅及威胁性质的手势③ Using insulting language, obscene language, or gestures that are indecent or threatening in nature.④在商店门口、人行道、出入口或电梯附近长时间停留,妨碍他人或多人并排行走给他人造成不便④ Standing for a long time at the entrance of a store, sidewalk, exit, or near an elevator, obstructing others or causing inconvenience to others by walking side by side.⑤踩踏草坪或进入园林景观区域⑤ Trampling on lawns or entering garden landscape areas.⑥奔跑、慢跑或攀爬或进入园区水系景观水域⑥ Running, jogging, climbing, or entering the water landscape area in the park.⑦使用产生噪音的设备(如收音机、喇叭、哨子、大型扩音器、人造噪音机或其他产生巨大噪音的设备)⑦ Using noise-generating devices (such as radios, speakers, whistles, large amplifiers, artificial noise machines, or other devices that generate loud noises).⑧钓鱼捕鱼、野餐、露营和烹饪/烧烤等⑧ Fishing, picnicking, camping, and cooking/barbecuing, etc.
  • 09
    在未经事先许可的情况下,谢绝任何媒体、机构、平台或个人的采访行为,包括但不限于摄影、摄像、录音、采访游客或工作演职人员。Interview of any media, organization, platform, or individual without prior permission, including but not limited to photographing, camera shooting, recording, or interviewing tourists or staff.
  • 10
    任何危险行为或可能妨碍乐园及任何配套设施运营的行为。. Any dangerous behavior or behavior that may hinder the operation of the park and any supporting facilities.
  • 11
    任何使用法律法规明令禁止的其他行为。 Any other behavior that is prohibited by laws and regulations.

公司权利Rights of the company

  • 01
    我们可能在乐园内摄像、摄影和/或录音,用于满足法律、安全或保安要求的目的,或其它合法目的。我们将严格保护游客的肖像权,绝不将游客的肖像信息泄露。We may conduct camera shooting, photographing, and/or recording in the park,for the purpose of meeting legal, safety, or security requirements, or for other lawful purposes.We will strictly protect the portrait rights of tourists and will never disclose the portrait information of tourists.
  • 02
    出于乐园安全、游园秩序的考虑,或者在其他我们认为必要的情况下,对于任何不遵守本入园须知、或我们各种产品的条款及条件、或相关法律法规和政策的个别人士,我们有权拒绝向该等人士提供各类产品或服务、或拒绝该等人士入园、或要求该等人士立即离园。For the safety and orderliness of the park, or in other circumstances that we deem necessary, we have the right to refuse to provide various products or services to individuals who do not comply with the notice to visitors, or the terms and conditions of various products in the park, or relevant laws, regulations, and policies, or to refuse entry to such individuals, or to require such individuals to leave the park immediately.
  • 03
    乐园依据相关法律规定,有权配合相关执法部门对入园擅自进行兜售活动行为的人员进行处罚。It has the right to cooperate with relevant law enforcement departments to punish individuals who engage in unauthorized selling activities in the park in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
  • 04
    极端天气、恶劣天气或空气质量状况将影响我们的运营(如:遭遇雨雪、冰雹、雷电、沙尘暴、空气污染等) ,或出于园区的承载能力、健康与安全需要、特殊活动或其他必要原因的考虑,我们可能不定期采取如下措施:Extreme weather conditions, adverse weather conditions, or air quality conditions will affect the operation of the park (such as rain, snow, hail, thunderstorms, sandstorms, air pollution, etc.), or we may take following measures periodically due to the capacity of the park, health and safety needs, special events, or other necessary reasons:①更改乐园或乐园内任何游乐设备、演出、商店等的开放时间① Change the opening time of the park or any amusement facility, performances, shops, etc.②临时关闭乐园或乐园内的任何部分区域② Temporarily close the park or any part of the park.③控制入园人数③ Control the number of people entering the park.④暂停、调整(包括调整时间安排或地点)或取消任何游乐设备、娱乐演出、商店或餐厅④ Suspend, adjust (including adjusting the schedule or location), or close any amusement facilities, entertainment performances, shops, or restaurants.
  • 05
    因游客自身行为过失所引起的事故,乐园与其相关联公司不承担任何责任并保留追诉权。The park and its affiliated companies shall not be liable for any accidents caused by the negligence of visitors and reserve the right to pursue legal action.
  • 06
    出于安全考虑,以免造成他人恐慌,乐园不提供寻人广播服务。游玩过程中,如有疑问请向工作人员寻求帮助,亦可拨打服务中心电话(400-6688-022)进行咨询,工作人员将为您提供帮助。For safety reasons and to avoid panic to others, there is no paging service in the park. If you have any questions during the amusement experience, please seek assistance from the staff or call the service center at 400-6688-022 for consultation. The staff will provide assistance for you.
  • 07
    请您在购票入园前仔细阅读《入园须知》的相关内容,入园后视为认可本乐园相关规定。Please carefully read the relevant content of the Notice to Visitors before purchasing tickets and entering the park. Entering the park is deemed as acceptance of the relevant rules of the park.
  • 08
    此《入园须知》可能会未经提前通知而变更,如法律另有强制性规定,则应以相应法律规定为准。​The Notice to Visitors may be changed without prior notice. If there are mandatory provisions in the law, such provisions shall prevail.
  • 09
    此须知中提及的“乐园”、“我们”指“上海欢乐谷”或“上海华侨城投资发展有限公司欢乐谷旅游分公司”或以上两者。In the Notice to Visitors, the "park" or "we" means either or both of "Happy Valley Shanghai" and "Happy Valley Tourism Branch of Shanghai OCT Co., Ltd.".
  • 10
    如有疑问,或遇紧急情况,请咨询现场工作人员。If you have any questions or encounter an emergency, please consult the on-site staff.
  • 11
    祝您在上海欢乐谷度过开心、愉快的时光!We wish you a happy and enjoyable time at Happy Valley Shanghai!



