上海欢乐谷实行“—票通玩制”,游客可自行选择体验游乐设备、观看娱乐表演(特殊时期举行的专项活动除外)。每张门票限使用一次,出园后如需再次入园,须重新购票。We implement "Universal Ticket System" in Shanghai Happy Valley, which means guests could choose any ride to play, watch any entertainment show (excl. special events held in special periods). Each ticket could only be used for once, and guests shall repurchase a new ticket if they leave the Park and enter the Park again.
电瓶车、老爷车、单人/双人游园电动车及游船等代步工具需另外付费。水上项目的雨衣、鞋套及欢乐大玩家有奖游戏需另外付费。Electromobiles, bubble cars, electric tandem bikes or electric boats are required to be charged additionally. Raincoats, shoe covers as well as lottery games are required to be charged additionally.
下列物品谢绝携带入园:无人机、动态平衡车、食物、饮料、宠物(特证的导盲犬除外)、氢气球、风筝、烧烤器具、滚轮鞋、滑板、电动车、儿童脚踏车、自行车、小型手推车或任何装有轮辘的运送用具(婴儿车及轮椅除外)、共享婴儿车、共享雨伞等物品。The following items cannot be brought into the Park:UAV、self-balancing scooter、food, beverage, pets (excl. certified guide dog), hydrogen balloons, kites, barbecue utensils, roller shoes,scooters, electromobile, child's bicycle, small handcarts, or any other conveyance with wheels (excl. baby carriage, wheelchairs), sharing strollers, or sharing umbrella.
公园内严禁以下活动:(1)未经本公园许可,在园内销售、展示任何物品或服务;(2)派发印刷品;(3)未经允许的活动、游行、演说、集会等;(4)商业用途的摄影和录像(如有相关商业需求,请与上海欢乐谷市场部联系);(5)任何妨碍乐园运营或破坏乐园设施的行为。 The following activities are not allowed without our permission:(1) To sale or display any objects or service;(2) To distribute any printed matter;3) To initiate any activity, demonstration, speech, or assembly;4) To take photography and video recording for commercial purposes ( Please kindly contact the Marketing Department to meet the demand for business);(5) To engage in any unsafe act or other acts that may impede the operation of the Park or any associated facility.
身高1.4米(含1.4米)以下的儿童、身高1.4米以上未成年人及65周岁(含65周岁)以上老人须由具有安全监护能力的成人陪同,请勿让儿童、老人离开您的视线。 Guests under the height of 1.4 meters (incl. 1.4 meters), teenagers above 1.4 meters or adults over the age of 65 (incl. 65 years old) shall be accompanied by a adult with custodial ability. Please kindly keep an eye on your kid, and your senior family members.
园内部分项目不适合高血压、心脏病、颈椎腰椎背部疾病患者、孕妇、酒醉者乘坐;有上述病情或症状者,请自行确认并选择其他适合项目,否则,如导致不良后果,乐园不承担任何责任;园区项目现场均有游玩须知/要求,并设置了身高限制,请遵从现场公告及工作人员的引导。Some rides are not suitable for guests with hypertension, heart disease, cervical and lumbar back diseases, pregnant women or drunken people. The guests with above disease or symptom are required to play other proper rides, or the Park will not bear any responsibility for any adverse consequences.Notification, requirements and height restriction are set before each project, and guests shall follow on-site bulletin and staff’s guide.
乐园倡导文明游玩,游客排队等待体验项目或观看表演时请勿插队或做出其他危险行为,每一位入场者均须排队,所有项目禁止一人排队多人参与。项目停止运行及乐园闭园时间将至时,依据现场情况,有可能提前终止项目排队等候或入场,敬请谅解。We advocate civilized behavior in the Park. Guests are not allowed to cut the queue or do dangerous act when playing rides or watching show.Each entry shall queue for herself or himself, for the behavior of one queuing for-multiple-guest-participation is not allowed in the Park. We hope guests understand that we may stop them queuing or waiting for admission when the project or the Park is about to close.
为了保证游客安全,禁止游客携带劣质雨衣乘坐激流勇进、峡谷漂流、航海战舰等水上游乐项目。Guests are not allowed to play Shoot the Chute, Rapid River, Battleship with poor raincoats for the purpose of their safety.
乐园为公共场所,请您在游玩期间注意自身安全,保管好随身财物,请勿将贵重物品或行李放置在您视线范围外的地方或留在婴儿车及储物柜中,以防丢失,对于因游客自身的疏忽或过失所引起的事故,乐园及其相关公司将不予负责。The Park is a public place. Please pay attention to your own safety and take good care of your personal belongings. Please keep an eye on your valuable belongings and luggage, instead of leaving them in the stroler or lockers. The Park and its related companies will not be responsible for accidents caused by the negligence or negligence of guests.
因项目检修或暴雨、雷电、台风等恶劣天气因素,我园可能会在无法预先通知的情况下,延迟、暂停开放园内游乐设施或取消园内表演活动,具体请以现场公告为准。We would delay, suspend or cancel ride operation or show in the Park without pre- notification due to ride maintenance, extreme weather like rainstorm, lightning, typhoon and other bad weather. Please refer to the on site announcement for details.
谷木游龙、绝顶雄风、蓝月飞车、矿山历险、旋转摇摆伞、大摆锤、激流勇进项目设有高速数码摄影镜头,购买照片需另外付费,所有存储于电脑中的拍摄照片将于次日删除。 Guests are welcome to purchase their photos, for high speed digital camera lens are used to take guests' image on the project of Fireball Roller Coaster, Diving Coaster, Mega- Lite, Mine Train Coaster, Wave Swinger, Gyro Swing, and Shoot the Chute. All photos stored in the computer will be deleted next day.
对于做出违法、无礼及危害他人等行为的游客,公园有权谢绝其游玩项目或要求离园。We reserve the right to deny admission to any person, or to require a person already admitted, to leave the Park immediately, for his or her illegal offensive or disruptive behavior.
游客入园视为认可本乐园相关规定。Your entry into the Park constitutes your consent to the relevant provisions of the Park.